Source code for flusstools.geotools.kml

"""Modified script (original: Linwood Creekmore III)


    output to geopandas dataframe (gdf):
    ``gdf = kmx2other("my-places.kmz", output="gpd")``

    plot the new gdf (use %matplotlib inline in notebooks)

    convert a kml-file to a shapefile
    ``success = kmx2other("my-places.kml", output="shp")``

# from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import re
from .kmx_parser import *

[docs]def kmx2other(file, output="df"): """Converts a Keyhole Markup Language Zipped (KMZ) or KML file to a pandas dataframe, geopandas geodataframe, csv, geojson, or ESRI shapefile. Parameters: file (str): The path to a KMZ or KML file. output (str): Defines the output type. Valid options are: ``"shapefile"``, ``"shp"``, ``"shapefile"``, or ``"ESRI Shapefile"``. Hint: The core function is taken from Returns: str: Success message (use ``print(kmx2other(...))`` to see what the function did.) """ r = re.compile(r"(?<=\.)km+[lz]?", re.I) try: # alternatively, try (re.findall(r"(?<=\.)[\w]+",file))[-1] extension = except IOError as e: logging.error("I/O error {0}".format(e)) return -1 # create buffer file if "kml" in extension.lower(): buffer = file elif "kmz" in extension.lower(): kmz = ZipFile(file, "r") v_match = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool( name_array = np.array(kmz.namelist()) sel = v_match(name_array) buffer =[sel][0], "r") else: raise ValueError( "Incorrect file format provided. Retry with a valid KML or KMZ file.") # instantiate file parser and handler parser = xml.sax.make_parser() handler = PlacemarkHandler() parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.parse(buffer) try: # close kmz file (if kmz) kmz.close() except AttributeError: pass except NameError: pass # create pandas dataframe of file handler df = pd.DataFrame(handler.mapping).T names = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), df.columns)) if "description" in names: extra_data = df.apply(PlacemarkHandler.htmlizer, axis=1) df = df.join(extra_data) output = output.lower() if (output == "df") or (output == "dataframe") or not output: result = df elif output == "csv": out_filename = file[:-3] + "csv" df.to_csv(out_filename, encoding="utf-8", sep="\t") result = ("Successfully converted {0} to CSV (written to disk: {1}".format( file, out_filename)) elif (output == "gpd") or (output == "gdf") or (output == "geoframe") or (output == "geodataframe"): geos = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( df.apply(PlacemarkHandler.spatializer, axis=1)) result = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([df, geos], axis=1)) elif (output == "geojson") or (output == "json"): geos = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( df.apply(PlacemarkHandler.spatializer, axis=1)) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([df, geos], axis=1)) out_filename = file[:-3] + "geojson" gdf.to_file(out_filename, driver="GeoJSON") validation = geojson.is_valid( geojson.load(open(out_filename)))["valid"] if validation == "yes": result = ("Successfully converted {0} to GeoJSON and output to disk at {1}".format( file, out_filename)) else: raise ValueError( "Geojson conversion failed. Try to clean the input data or another file.") elif (output == "shapefile") or (output == "shp") or (output == "esri shapefile"): geos = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( df.apply(PlacemarkHandler.spatializer, axis=1)) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([df, geos], axis=1)) out_filename = file[:-3] + "shp" gdf.to_file(out_filename, driver="ESRI Shapefile") sf = shapefile.Reader(out_filename) if len(sf.shapes()) > 0: validation = "yes" else: validation = "no" if validation == "yes": result = ("Successfully converted {0} to Shapefile and output to disk at {1}".format( file, out_filename)) else: raise ValueError( "Shapefile conversion did not create a valid shapefile object.\nTry to clean up the input data or another file.") else: raise ValueError( "Conversion returned no data; check if a correct output file type was provided.\nValid output types are geojson, shapefile, csv, geodataframe, and/or pandas dataframe.") return result