Source code for flusstools.geotools.kmx_parser

"""Original Classes written by Linwood Creekmore III (modified for flusstools)

Flavored with code blocks from:



from helpers import *

import ast
import xml.sax
import xml.sax.handler
from html.parser import HTMLParser

[docs]class ModHTMLParser(HTMLParser): """A child of HTMLParser, tailored (modified) for kml/kmy parsing.""" def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.in_table = False self.mapping = {} self.buffer = "" self.name_tag = "" self.series = pd.Series()
[docs] def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): """Enables a table if a table-tag is provided. Args: tag (str): Set to "table" for enabling usage of a table. attrs (list): List of additional attributes (currently unused). Returns: None: Verifies if the ``tag`` argument contains the string ``"table"`` """ if tag == "table": self.in_table = True
[docs] def handle_data(self, data): """Generates mapping and series if ``in_table`` is ``True``. Args: data (str): Text lines of data divided by colons. Returns: None: Assigns ``ModHTMLParser.mapping`` and ``ModHTMLParser.series`` attributes """ if self.in_table: self.buffer = data.strip(" \n\t").split(":") if len(self.buffer) == 2: self.mapping[self.buffer[0]] = self.buffer[1] self.series = pd.Series(self.mapping)
[docs]class PlacemarkHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): """Child of ``xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler``, tailored for handling kml files.""" def __init__(self): #super().__init__() self.inName = False # handle XML parser events self.inPlacemark = False self.mapping = {} self.buffer = "" self.name_tag = ""
[docs] def start_element(self, name): """Looks for the first Placemark element in a kml file. Args: name (str): Name-tag of the element Returns: None """ if name == "Placemark": self.inPlacemark = True self.buffer = "" if self.inPlacemark: if name == "name": # save name text to follow self.inName = True
[docs] def characters(self, data): """Adds a line of data to the read-buffer. Args: data (str) Returns: None """ if self.inPlacemark: # save text if in title in tag self.buffer += data
[docs] def end_element(self, name): """Sets the end (last) element. Args: name (str) Returns: None """ self.buffer = self.buffer.strip("\n\t") if name == "Placemark": # clear the current placemark and name self.inPlacemark = False self.name_tag = "" elif name == "name" and self.inPlacemark: # on end title tag self.inName = False self.name_tag = self.buffer.strip() self.mapping[self.name_tag] = {} elif self.inPlacemark and self.name_tag: try: if name in self.mapping[self.name_tag]: self.mapping[self.name_tag][name] += self.buffer else: self.mapping[self.name_tag][name] = self.buffer except KeyError: pass self.buffer = ""
[docs] def spatializer(row): """Converts string objects to spatial Python objects. Args: row (pandas.df): List of strings for conversion Returns: None """ try: # check if the coordinates column exists data = row["coordinates"].strip(" \t\n\r") except KeyError: pass except AttributeError: pass lsp = data.strip().split(" ") linestring = map(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x), lsp) try: spatial = Polygon(LineString(linestring)) converted_poly = pd.Series({"geometry": spatial}) return converted_poly except: try: g = ast.literal_eval(data) points = pd.Series({"geometry": Point(g[:2]), "altitude": g[-1]}) return points except: pass try: # check if there are latitude and longitude columns point = Point(float(row["longitude"]), float(row["latitude"])) converted_poly = pd.Series({"geometry": point}) return converted_poly except KeyError: pass
[docs] def htmlizer(row): """Creates an html file. Args: row (pandas.df): List of strings for conversion Returns: htmlparser.series: An instance of the ``ModHTMLParser()`` class """ htmlparser = ModHTMLParser() htmlparser.feed(row["description"]) return htmlparser.series